Sep 02

The troop is spinning back up for the fall!

I hope you had a great summer!  The troop is spinning back up and there are a lot of important things to go over, so please read this through.

First, this week we will transition back from summer meetings to the first of the regular scheduled meetings of the fall. As it is the first Wednesday of the Month, it is Class A.

We are only one week a way from the Troop Fall Kickoff Picnic and Court of Honor!  If you have not signed up, please do so ASAP! Help the planners plan! The picnic/CoH is at CoF and goes from 5pm to 7:30pm on Sunday, Sept 9th.

IMPORTANT: I have received reports that there was only ONE advancement (increase in rank) reported to Mr. Tucker since the last Court of Honor.  I know there are more than that! That means that scouts who advanced over the summer did bring their books back to Mr. Tucker to get it entered into Toopmaster. Scouts are reminded to do this at everymeeting. If you think your scout moved up in rank since the last CoH, please contact me immediately. We need to get patches, and add them to the program. Your scout must also bring their scoutbook to Wednesday’s meeting.

We have a busy, and exciting September. Our first campout is the Flying Circus Fall camporee. This is the weekend of September 28th. We will leave Friday at 4PM, and return Sunday Morning. We will use the September meetings to get our trailer and chuckboxes ready ahead of the camporee. So scouts should try to attend the next few meetings to help out. The camporee is not only a fun time, but an opportunity to reach out to webelos from nearby packs, as well as work on Merit badges.   More details on the camporee and merit badges offered will come out soon.

YIS, Gregg Dorn


More details on the camporee and merit badges offered will come out soon.
YIS, Gregg Dorn
…Sent from my Raspberry Pi