New Scout Registration

This page contains all the information you will need to make a smooth transition to Troop 158.  There are a several attachments, which have detailed instructions. PLEASE try not to feel overwhelmed.   Any questions?  Click HERE to contact the enrollment team.

Please start with:

1. Registration Paperwork Checklist – This will keep you on track for what needs to be turned in.

2. Registration Guide – This sheet gives you more details about about costs, uniforms and registration for Scouts as well as Adults.

3. Registration Costs –  This form identifies costs of key necessities for the troop. This form is used when purchasing with cash or check. Items can also be purchased in person with a credit card, in which you will be emailed a receipt. Checks are payable to “BSA Troop 158”.

4. Register YOUR SCOUT with BSA and the Troop in one shot.   Go to Troop 158 Online Registration.  If you are new to Scouting, choose “New to Scouting”, then “Register a Youth”.  Transferring to Troop 158 from Cub Scouts or another troop can be done by logging in with your (adult) account. If transferring from Cub Scouts, it is very important to confirm with your scout’s AOL den leader, that he/she has already documented your scout’s AOL requirements before transferring.

5. Register YOURSELF with BSA and the Troop in one shot.   The troop runs because of it’s adult volunteers.  Please consider helping out.  The troop always needs Assistant Scoutmaster(ASM)s, Committee Members and Merit Badge Counselors.  Even if you just want to go on a trip or two, you must register with BSA. Go to Troop 158 Online Registration. If you are new to Scouting, choose “New to Scouting”, and then “Become a Volunteer”. If transferring from Cub Scouts or another troop, login with your    We encourage at least one adult from each family to sign up as a Committee Member, Assistant Scoutmaster, or Merit Badge Counselor. 

6. Request a Troopmaster Account – Troopmaster is our online database.  It allows you to track your scouts progress, and to find POCs in the troop.

7. BSA Health Forms A, B and C – This form is a fill-able PDF!  Parts A and B are due by the first event.  Part C needs to be filled out and turned in prior to attending Summer Camp or any activity over 72 hours.  This is for Scouts and Adults. Please print a hard copy after completion and email enrollment team to arrange for pickup.

8. Vehicle Information Sheet – Any adult who will be transporting Scouts in their vehicle to any event needs to fill out this form. Please print a hard copy after completion and email enrollment team to arrange for pickup.