Has your Scout recently returned from camping and now has time on his hands? The summer is a great time to work on some Merit Badges. Parktakes and other local places offer a variety of badges at a reasonable cost.
To help guide your Scout with earning a Merit Badge: 1) Decide with your Scout what badge(s) he would like to work on. If he would like to go through a badge on his own, please get with me on who the Merit Badge Counselor is for the badge.
2) Get a blue card from Mr. Ed at Wednesday night’s meeting.
3) Fill in the blue card.
4) Have Scout Master Gregg Dorn sign the blue card.
5) Keep the blue card in your Scout binder.
6) Work on the Merit Badge or attend the Merit Badge class.
7) Once a badge is completed the blue card is to be given to Mr. Ed.
8) Congrats on finishing a Merit Badge.
For more information check out the Troop’s website: troop158va.org/wp/?page_id=30 – Charlene Meny